As the COVID-19 situation continues, we will keep you updated here as to what is happening at Xdress.co.uk
We are aiming to get online orders shipped out to you within 24-48 hours (Monday to Friday) of receipt.
We are still open and despatching orders on a daily basis, however, we are having to run on far fewer staff than usual to be able to comply with social distancing and to keep our vulnerable members or staff at home where they are safest. This does mean that although we are working to the best of ability, we cannot currently guarantee the usual same day turnaround. Couriers are still collecting from us daily but have all stopped guaranteeing next day services.
We are finding that UK deliveries are taking an average of an extra 24 hours to arrive and that overseas orders are proving to take quite a lot longer at the moment. This is all to do with the strain on the delivery systems due to people not being able to go out and buy items and everything coming from online stores.
- Please do not ask to change or cancel your order after it is placed, as this considerably delays our ability to get orders out efficiently.
- Please track your order, rather than asking us where your order is.
- Please do not send back returns at this time as they will be held for some time to protect our staff from infection. Worn or tried on underwear must not be returned under any circumstances. We will extend the period for authorized returns until after this pandemic is over.
We hope that you can understand the steps we are putting in place and also hope that you agree this is the best way to ensure everyone is kept safe and we can continue to work through this unprecedented time. Despite everything, we will do our best to serve you to the standards you have come to expect from Xdress.
Due to reduced on site staffing levels, we ask that if you have any questions or need to contact us, you do so through our Contact Us message system. Our priority is to get orders out to you, but we will be monitoring these messages and will get back to you as soon as possible. One of the most common questions we are asked is "When will item x be restocked". Unfortunately due to our main production facility in USA and other factories we use throughout the world being closed for an indefinite period, we are unable to give a meaningful answer to this question.
For the protection of our crew we have modified our returns procedures. We ask that if you wish to return any items, you reach out to us through our Contact Us page before sending anything back to us, and we will work with you to find the best solution. We cannot accept unauthorized returns during this period due to the possible risk of infection to our staff from opening a package that may contain worn underwear.
While the current situation is constantly changing, we take comfort in the knowledge that we have a world-class team and a wonderful and loyal community of Xdress customers. With your support we will all pull through and be here to serve you with many great new lingerie designs for many years to come.
Thank you for being a part of the Xdress family.
Best wishes,
Kristina & David
Just want you to know that I find the clothing items from both BodyAware, and Xdress, to be very comfortable, and helpful, in the midst of the COVID-19 tragedy. It has affected all of us, in one way, or another. Many parts of the country have Stay-At-Home orders as part of the effort to deal with the virus. Comfortable clothing makes the Stay-At-Home days easier to handle. I do my best to help your business, and the businesses around me, by making purchases when I can. Hopefully, the country will get back to normal soon.
Dear Kristina & David,
These are troubling times, but we have faced troubling times before, and we will get through this one. Thank you for hanging in there for your employees, and taking appropriate measures to ensure that the products that we customers order are safe from contamination. We will get to the end of this thing, and XD/BA will stand tall with your mindfulness toward staff, customers, and your wonderful donations to Meals on Wheels America (surely a great need). God bless you and keep you safe. We have enjoyed a wonderful relationship for years, and I look forward to many years to come!
Fond regards,
Love all of you. Trying to buy something here and there to help keep things going
Thank you for taking care of your staff
Wear something pretty to day i am
Thank you.
Wishing you all well in these trying times.
Ally x