I once saw a drag queen named Willam Belli pose an interesting point to his peers about this idea of men wearing "women's clothing." When one of his peers said something on the matter, Willam stated that they're not actually women's clothing because he bought them with the intention of wearing them, therefore the clothing isn't "women's clothing." I thought this revealed some inherent beliefs a lot of us have about "men's clothing" and "women's clothing" and whether or not there really is such a thing, despite what society would tell you.
I mean, of course, the term "cross-dresser" implies that you're someone who dresses in clothes of the other sex. So in that regard, you're technically wearing clothes that don't pertain to your assigned sex (well, at least society's crummy views of what men should wear). But once you buy "women's clothing" to wear, is it really "women's clothing" anymore, since it's a man that owns them?
I feel like we think of this because of what society has deemed acceptable for men and women to wear. Though women have some wiggle room as to what shirts, pants, and shoes they can wear while still appearing feminine, men's fashion rules are much stricter and can border into the "cross dressing" or "feminine" category very quickly. Prints that are slightly more feminine in nature are starting to become more mainstream, but of course, they're on button-up shirts that distinctly look like "men's clothing." Masculinity is just too fragile for its own good, wouldn't you say?
It just boggles my mind that, as a society, we made it so important to put genders upon certain articles of clothing. I get the identification part of it, and how it probably seemed like a good idea at one point so that misgendering someone wasn't a problem, but we're in a totally different time, now. It seems pretty limiting to make some pieces of fabric that happen to look frilly and lacy only something that women can wear and feel sexy about. It's as if women are the only people who can appreciate expression through clothing with lace and frills! Come on, society. Get your logic together.
However, if you REALLY want to get deep about this, what would become of the term "cross dressing" if we became a society that accepted genders dressing in clothes typical for the other sex? Would it just be a non-issue? If everyone could do it and it was just an accepted part of the current state of fashion, would there be a need to identify as a crossdresser, anymore? I'd like to think that one day, men can just wear dresses and panties and people just treat it like the norm. Only in an ideal world, I suppose...
So with all of this in consideration, it's hard to think of this concept of "women's clothing" still being regarded as such when men can own them, too. I know the sentiment behind it is that it's clothing that has a more feminine expression, thus it feels like it contrasts the masculine form. To me, it just seems like we've come too far to give a gender assignment to what is ultimately some pieces of fabric. We're all capable of expression in different ways, and labeling clothing as just for men or women feels too restrictive with how much the world of fashion continues to transform.
So what do you think of the idea of "women's clothing" being so strict to just women? Do you think it should be less strict, or is the clear distinction helpful for when it comes to expressing yourself through fashion? I'm looking forward to these comments, for sure!
Just like Roland (Aug 2017) I too love wearing lace panties. Lavender/Lilac and purple are my most favorite colors. I am sure some people would freak out if they knew that the guy they pulled up to, sitting on his Harley, is wearing lavender lace see-thru panties! I do not own any men’s underwear at all. I am very happy that you have an understanding wife that is OK with you wearing panties! In most of today’s lingerie Reviews, you will see a lot of men who don’t mind admitting that they wear panties as well as the wife’s saying that they buy panties for the male s/o.
I’d love to know why you insist on calling this crossdressing. By your post you suggest that men who buy things that are designed for women is crossdressing. HOWEVER, you design clothes that are actually for men. So none of us who have bought your clothing are actually crossdressers.. right?
Panties are panties. But panties can be for men, as XDress shows. Panties are so much more stylish and attractive than traditional men’s underwear that they should have a different name than underwear! Love the selection on XDress! Great website and product offering!
I roleplay in a dress or skirt a lot. I never pretend to be a woman. I imagine a world where men are allowed to wear dresses skirts lingerie and beautiful satin panties in public. I played the part of a man even though my female companion is also wearing a dress or skirt. I always wear satin panties and I make sure they accommodate the male equipment. I don’t try to wear g-strings or thongs because then you are trying to imitate a woman and those are women’s clothing if they don’t ask symmetrically fit you. I wear full satin panties or hipster style satin panties. Giving my front and back nice coverage. I don’t put on artificial breast attachments, because once again if I do I am imitating a woman and not enjoying myself as a man. I’m a guy in a silk blouse leather mini skirt bare legs high heel boots and of course my beautiful satin panties underneath. If you really want to enjoy yourself, dress up in those exciting articles of clothing, and panties, but continue to play the part of a man, or society will never learn from us that men can share the exciting softer clothing reserved for women.
There are certainly more taboos surrounding what is conventionally acceptable for men to wear than women. However I can never decide if keeping my cross dressing preferences secret (I only like wearing lingerie and not outer clothing) is more of a turn on than the world knowing about it. Only a few partners are aware of my liking for lingerie and whilst I believe everybody should be free to express themselves provided it does no harm to others; I prefer to keep my “secret” safe amongst my partners and enjoy the excitement that generates. You can label it what you like but as long as I can fit in to black silk panties I will continue to wear them.