Society has come a long way in accepting LGBTQ+ lifestyles, so why does it feel like censorship is becoming more restrictive? I would love to hear your take Hannah on why in some ways we have moved forward, but seem to be going backwards in others? - Allen

Hello Allen, thank you for the question!
I think the key words here are FEELS and SEEMS.
I can't deny that there are people in the world who pray everyday that queer people (whether you are non-binary, a crossdresser, bisexual, or really anything beyond straight/cisgender) would go away or at least go back into the closet. These people tend to be LOUD and ANGRY. It's normal to pay attention to the loud person, whether they are online or screaming at the cashier at the grocery store. They are demanding attention and are likely getting it... but not necessarily because they are right, but because they are so loud that you can't help but acknowledge them.
The loud people are not always speaking for the majority of people. They are just louder than everyone else. They try to shape the conversation about issues that they feel (and hate) strongly about. They attempt to change the narrative about others and demonize people that they don't like. They amplify lies and falsehoods and double down when asked for proof. Volume got them to this point and they will continue to utilize what has worked so far.

It's easy to think that the whole world hates people like us, but I remind myself that this feeling is triggered by a small minority of people that are loud, not triggered by the majority of people. It can also be disheartening to see so many laws being passed that impact the queer community. I have no intention of transitioning or taking estrogen, but my heart breaks when a law is passed that limits (or erases) gender-affirming care. These laws are meant to tell the queer community that they want us to, well, not be who we are. Reduced access to gender affirming care does not impact me personally, but it's a reminder that if some people had their way, I would never be allowed to wear panties ever again.

If you are feeling discouraged by the world, start looking for the good. One thing that encourages me is seeing the younger generation openly and loudly identifying as queer and/or non-binary. I am encouraged by people my age who are supportive of their kids and their evolving gender identity. I am encouraged by how many resources are available that were never an option ten years ago. I am encouraged by designers such as XDress who design clothes for people like me.
Acceptance and shifting a planet's thinking takes time and is messy and nonlinear. It's not a straight line. It will have setbacks. It will have stumbles. But we are slowly getting there.
Love, Hannah
The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of XDress
if you think about it-the TG movement is sadly in need of a PR Dept. Eg.-nobody explains the uses of puberty blockers. one example could be to give a girl more time to consider her path before developing breasts which then need to be removed. Some theories are that our brains are altered in the womb eg male body/female brain. who is talking about that stuff? Gays may be affected the same but they are widely accepted-we are not. Our silence is getting us nowhere
Sorry Hannah, missed your Birthday; hope you had an enjoyable day🌈💥
Thanks for the commentary Hannah! Yes, the squeaky wheel is often the loudest but I agree that society, in general, is becoming accepting of various differences in people. I think this is getting better with the younger generation and will be “the norm” as they grow up and the older generation decreases in numbers. It may take a long time for these voices to disappear but agree that finding the positive in the negative is the way to go. Tune out the noise and be you. The loud mouth will be the one in the room screaming but not being heard, while you smile in your panties from XDress!
I wish “pursuit of happiness” was something that people would let happen. LGBTQ is part of the pursuit, and those who are not happy about it should pursue something else. The people angry about LGBTQ just want everyone else angry. If those haters could only pursue what makes them happy and leave everyone else alone. Let people who are not hurting themselves or others do what they f-ing want to do!
I don’t believe these fears are something that will come to fruition. Our communities want to be left alone and everything I’ve researched on my own seems to be pointing that way. If it does happen than we fight!!