Let’s Talk About Bras!

Let’s Talk About Bras!


Greetings, dear readers!

I hope this blog finds you well and wearing something pretty. In my last blog, “The Wonderful World of Panties!”, the conversation among you (and what a wonderful conversation it was!) drifted into the realm of bras. It was a wonderful and lively conversation. I’d like to extend that a bit in this blog. A shout out to Keri for suggesting I do so!

For me personally, beginning to wear panties was not much of a stretch, as I was already wearing men’s underwear that was as feminine as men’s underwear gets, in terms of color, style, and fabric. To wear a bra – well, that was a very clear pronouncement of the inner femme that I am. It took my wife a while to get on board with me wearing bras, but she is a trooper. She started picking out bras for me in the brick and mortar stores and consults me on what she likes at XDress. She’s even given me a few bras that have stretched out too much for her. These are my favorites, as they came from her, like some of her panties that stretched out too much for her comfort. There is real intimacy in wearing your wife’s panties and bras.

As a basic tutorial for you that may be either 1) interested in wearing bras or 2) have just started experimenting with bras, allow me to share a few items of possible interest. For you that are old hands at wearing bras, stick around – you just might learn something.

As far as styles go, there are three basic groups – traditional strap bras, strapless bras, and racerback bras. Each has its upside and downside. Within the three major groups, there is an overwhelming choice of styles.


First, traditional strap bras. The appeal to me of traditional strap bras is their traditional femininity. Every woman has bras with straps. You can get underwire, wireless, push up and padded. With the push-up and padded, you can get cups with a pocket for the insertion of silicone inserts. The same is true for racerbacks. There are some blouses and dresses that just don’t look right without silicone inserts, because of the cut and fit of the blouse or dress. I’m pretty flat-chested, so inserts are helpful from time to time. The downside of traditional strap bras is the straps. They sometimes slip over your shoulders, requiring you to (as subtlety as possible) reach inside your blouse/shirt and pull them up. Even with properly fitted bras, your straps are going to come down from time to time. As far as putting them on, I’m not nearly flexible enough to hook the straps from behind, so I just clasp them together and slip them on line a racerback (which I’ll talk about in a minute). One of the cool things my wife does is, upon arriving home from work, she unhooks the back strap, reaches into a sleeve, and pulls the bra out through the sleeve. The physics of that defies me!

Strapless bras remove the bother of pulling up the straps, and you have a wide choice of blouses to wear without worrying about your straps showing. One of my personal pet peeves is women that wear tops that clearly show their bra straps. That totally lacks class, in my opinion, and they look like they should be barefoot in the kitchen cooking, with one babe on their hip and five other brats running around the kitchen. The downside of strapless is that they fit quite tight, in order to compensate for the lack of straps.

The third major group, racerback, is my personal favorite. The racerback forms a Y or an X in the back and is slipped on, as there are no clasps involved. The upside is that you never have to worry about your straps sliding down. Sports bras and T-shirt bras are commonly in the racerback family. The downside is they won’t be appropriate with some of your tops if you don’t want to be outed. They tend to display more fabric on the chest, although this isn’t necessarily true.

I have to say that XDress is my go-to place for bras. Being flat-chested, they fit me very well, as they are cut and designed for the male physique. With women’s bras, it’s hard to find a bra that fits our chest width and cup size. XDress has a amazing number of choices that are very feminine and designed so they don’t out you unless you want to be outed. My wife’s and my personal favorites are the Glistening Satin Collection.


Speaking of size, sizing is really pretty simple. Measure (in inches) the width of your chest, below your breasts. This is your band size. Next, measure your width, measuring across your nipples. This is your cup size. Just for fun, if your wife/SO is on board, let her/him do the measuring for you. Next, pull up XDress online and have some fun shopping together! The reason I might seem to be pushing XDress is that, with their designing, it is so easy to wear a bra for everyday activities in public without outing yourself, yet feeling so feminine on the inside. 

There might be some of you that have gynecomastia. To the uninitiated, gynecomastia is a condition, often occurring in adolescence, of the enlarging of the breasts in males. Cup size may be as large a C or D cup. This condition can cause some serious challenges in adolescence, especially when it comes to gym class and the showers. For you folks, bras aren’t an option – they are a medical necessity. Be proud of your beautiful breasts, dear ones, and wear a pretty bra!

There are some pretty good chat groups online for those of us who love to wear bras – sites that aren’t pornographic or sleazy. They support gurls like us who just like to wear bras. You’d be amazed at how many of us are out there. My usual precaution – if a site feels wrong for you, it probably is.

So much for my thoughts on the subject of bras. What are your thoughts? As you know, I love to hear your thoughts and stories. So warm up those keyboards and let’s have a conversation!

Fond regards,


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All I have to say is….. I Don’t know why but it is really nice to wear a bra now and then!!! Just makes you feel sooooo good sometimes!!


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