Hello dear readers! I would like to start by sincerely wishing you all the very best during these troubling times. Today, let us take the time to discuss the art behind femininity, and how each of us has our own unique style(s).
So what exactly does it mean to be feminine? The dictionary describes it as "having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness". Even in this definition, it states "traditionally associated with women", which means you certainly do not have to be a woman to be feminine. Femininity can be displayed in various ways, whether it is our clothing, makeup, hair, or personalities. Standard feminine personality traits include gentleness, empathy, humility, and sensitivity.
Now that we understand the basics, let's discuss further. Of course, I will start with clothing. Typical feminine styles that I adore are lace, frills, ruffles, and ruching. These can all be found in a plethora of colors in all categories; skirts, dresses, blouses, and lingerie. I often am drawn to the most feminine styles because that is at the core of who I am. I usually pass on plain, unimaginative designs in favor of beautiful styles that you can't help but admire constantly. This is very easy to do when you get to wear such exquisite designs, so thank you XDress!

As many of you might know already, I am a goth, and with that comes a whole new subcategory of styles and clothing that is not found as commonly. I would say it is the most beautiful fashion out there, as it specifically revolves around materials that are rich in color and that emphasize romance. Satin, leather, lace, mesh, and fishnet are such materials, typically found in black, or deep reds and purples. My favorite types of gothic clothing are latex skirts, velvet blouses, leather leggings, and lace lingerie. As I mentioned earlier, femininity is an art, and this is my specific style.
Let's move on from clothing and talk about makeup! Now when it comes to my personal style, I of course wear goth makeup. This usually emphasizes the eyes by making them appear very luscious, with heavy eyeshadow and eyeliner, with gorgeous long lashes. This is all completed with a flawless foundation and lipstick. This look is one that certainly makes me stand out, and I always appreciate the compliments I get on my appearance as I spend hours every day to achieve my femme goth style.
Personality/ behavior traits is a whole new subject. Since I began dressing completely on a daily basis, I've noticed a shift in my attitude. I am more patient and understanding, while also becoming more empathic and sensitive. This has actually done wonders for my relationship, and I've never been so happy with my girlfriend. I personally think every man needs to get in touch with their feminine side, as it opens up so many wonderful opportunities even excluding clothing.

Beyond personality, femininity is also apparent in the way we move. Men typically are very stiff, with their shoulders being the focal point of their movements. Women are much more graceful, appearing to move in a fluid motion. This is achieved through the legendary hip-swaying and a delicate swing of the arms. Walking this way takes much practice, and I would personally recommend wearing heels accompanied by a corset if you want to practice. This will force you to keep your shoulders immobile while making your hips do all the work. A more in-depth blog on feminine movement can be found here on XDress as well.
As you might gather, femininity plays a part in so many different aspects of who we are. Our bodies are a unique canvas in which we all portray our personalities through the use of clothes and makeup. I cannot imagine my life without feminity, and I hope one day all men can express themselves in such a beautiful way as we all do here.
That wraps it up for this blog! So what are your thoughts? In what ways are you creative through clothing/makeup? How has femininity changed your life? I can't wait to hear your stories!
Since starting my cross dressing journey I have really embraced my feminine side not only by choosing to wear ‘female’ clothing but also by trying to make myself look more feminine when in XD.
I have shaved my under arms for a long while but also now shave my lower legs and keep my arm hair as short as possible. I adore wearing make up such as mascara, eye-liner, eye shadow and lipstick, but have never quite mastered the art of disguising the blue/ grey beard shadow. I use foundation and a red concealer to some effect but would love some tips on how others deal with this issue.
I find that when dressed in feminine clothes I feel carefree, and much more in touch with my feminine and sensitive side. I really like me as a person when I’m Debbie. I feel more confident and have greater self esteem. I love feeling pretty and sexy and just wish that I had the confidence to present Debbie to the world on a regular basis
Dropping into the fem has become the main reason I dress these days. Letting go of the masculine is altogether healing for me. At the moment i decide to dress, something happens deep within, a cascade of the feminine floods my whole being, with a softness, that melts my pains away.
Crafting and reflecting the divine feminine brings balance, fun and love to my life xxx
The feeling and experience of being feminine is something that is special to us XD guys. I did not get into my “feminine side” till I was in my 30’s. I was single at that time and had the fortune to to be dating a girl who was dominate and then wanted me to wear panties and a bra as a way of expressing my submissiveness to her. She continued with this “training” until we went our separate ways. After breaking up with her, I continued with my dressing because I now felt my true self as a feminine male. I did all I could to learn, read and dress about male femininity, until I was dressing and acting female a good portion of my time. I was able to join a cross dresser group where the support and confidence to be feminine became a real reality. I had purchased a large wardrobe of dresses, mini skirts, blouses, lingerie, short-shorts, swim wear and make up to complete my transition. i was also blessed with a slim body and long shapely legs. Dressing was easy and convincing. I even dated males who were fond of and admired “gurls” like myself. It was great! they would bring e flowers and gifts! So from my 30’s up until my late 50’s I indulged myself in femininity. I dressed, acted and conducted myself as a girl, except when I was at work, which was only an 8 to 10 hour time. So my art of femininity was long lasting, truly enjoyable and something I will never forget. I did it with confidence and realized this is who I am. Today, I am married to a wonderful woman who allows and admires my feminine side. She only allows me to dress in panties, bra and lingerie, and that is just fine. So the art of femininity is special and should be experienced, indulged and hopefully become a reality for most of us XD guys.
I’ve worn stockings and garters under my male business wear for decades. I’m strictly vloset. I wear nude or light beige after stockings with a wide six strap gbelt with the rear strap well to the rear. I love the gentle thigh massage from the stockings and tiny motion of the straps as I move about. I don’t believe I was ever detected. But one day, as I was giving a presentation, I dropped a paper on the floor. As I stood up after retrieving it, a front garter popped open with what seemed to me like a cannon shot. I hurriedly finished my talk and went to the mens’ room for repairs.
Hola buenas tardes un cordial saludo desde Aguascalientes México solo quiero compartir que ami siempre me gustado mucho usar lencería y siempre e usado me siento cómodo y me encanta usar pero solo es ese gusto o fetiche no soy Gay siempre me angustado las mujeres desde joven fue muy normal con mis novias y igualmente siempre ese gusto por usar lencería hasta el dia de hoy tengo 33 años y 7 años de casado y 2 hermosos hijos y mi esposa siempre lo supo desde fuimos novios de mi gusto por usar lencería y todo bien pero yo siento que ella le molesta,o desconfía de mi por el echo de use lencería tenga otros gustos o que me dejen de interesar las mujeres pero no es así llo siempre esido así y se lo e demostrado por que la Amo pero lo malo es que no medise nada nada eslo que me demuestra ni siquiera se si desde que nosconosimos le molestaba a ella ese gusto que tengo y me ase sentir mal su actitud porque son muchos Años compartiendo y conviviendo porque ella fue la persona que llo escoji como my esposa y la amo pero lo que ella me hace sentir es que nunca me a aceptado tal como soy ,pero también nuestro matrimonio asido muy normal ella y llo formamos los pilares para que allá sido duradero siempre cumpliendo con Responsabilidades y siempre ver por el bienestar de nuestros hijos y a funcionando nuestro hogar solo es eso que no entiendo por qué ella no lo ha podido comprender o de entenderme y aceptarme tal como soy y con disgusto que seria eso my gusto por el uso de lencería siempre he usado como uso diario de Ropa interior siempre femenina y no para hombres nunca etenido ni usado ese tiempo de Ropa interior porque no simplemente no me gusta ,ni quisiera usarla Hojala y ella me comprendiera,ni tiene que dudar de lo que soy o desconfiar por ese simple gusto mío que es solo eso un simple gusto que me ase sentir bien con lo que uso y visto que es solo usar Ropa interior femenina siempre esido así y no podrá hacerme cambiar o de que vista algo con lo que no me sienta bien y solo incómodo seria como el usar una talla de zapatos más chica sabiendo que llo calzo del 8-1/2 y ella me compre del 7 que eso es lo que ella quería que Use . Sería como un ejemplo bueno me despido y que tengan buenas tardes Solo quería compartir mi vida y sin Ofender y con todo Respeto Gracias…