The Wonderful World of Panties!

The Wonderful World of Panties!

Greetings Dear Readers!

I hope you are well and wearing something pretty. First, a shout out to Nathan, who suggested a blog topic about lingerie. Thanks, Nathan. What a fun topic! Because the word “lingerie” covers such a large array of clothing, I’m going to limit this blog to the topic of panties – a topic I know you are all totally into, as am I.

The great majority of us got our start in cross-dressing with panties. A good number of us started by exploring mom’s or sister’s panty drawer and then progressed to buying our own. Some folks, once they are adults, limit themselves to underdressing under their everyday male clothing, while others of us progressed on to bras, hosiery, and finally outer clothing.

I was a late starter, having begun with underdressing in middle age. Do you remember the thrill of that first time you slipped into a pair of panties? I was so amazed by the choices. With men’s underwear, you have a choice of tighty whities or boxers. Of course, you could expand that to uh, tighty whities or boxers. Of course, you can also find male thongs, usually in, of all places, swimwear. With panties, you’ve got this amazing variety of styles, colors, and fabrics. Xdress/Body Aware has a huge selection, ranging from pretty grannies to bikinis, thongs, G-strings, tap pants, tangas – ah the list goes on! And the fabrics! Lace, satin, cotton, polyester. I’m all about comfort, and men’s underwear does not begin to measure up to the comfortable styles and fabrics of Xdress panties.

It’s interesting to me that, although I’ve been underdressing for many years now (I have one pair of men’s underwear that I wear for my annual physical with my very conservative doctor) that it is still a treat every morning to pick out the day’s panties. When I wore men’s underwear, I didn’t give a thought to the selection of underwear, as they all looked the same. Not so with panties. Every day it is fun to decide on what panties to wear. Is it like that for you?

Online panty shopping is the safest way to go, and Xdress/Body Aware panties are designed with the male physique in mind, in terms of the width of the gusset, which gives a very comfortable fit. It is also fun to go to the “other side of the store” and explore the panty section. I am very fortunate to have a very supportive wife, and we go panty shopping together. I find that shopping in stores appeals to my feminine side, plus it is just a bit risky, making it all the more fun. Part of the fun for me is wearing a very sexy pair of panties under my women’s jeans and nobody has a clue how hot I look under it all. Speaking of jeans, if you try on a pair of women’s skinny jeans, you’ll never go back to men’s jeans. I know, that’s off-topic, but I just had to throw that in there. 

Okay, so there are my thoughts on the topic. How about you? Are you a full-time panty wearer or limit it to weekends or special occasions? How old were you when you started underdressing? What are your favorite styles/fabrics? What is your preferred style of shopping – online or brick and mortar? Warm-up those keyboards guys/gurls. You know I love hearing your stories!


Fond regards,

Angie ♥️

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Good stuff Stevie and thank you for the welcome. Samuel I have nothing more to add besides the old cheesy line of being patient and breaking the honesty up into pieces. The way I had gone about it, which was definitely not perfect, and this is not meant as a brag, was that I first admitted it was a fetish of mine, after time I admitted that I liked wearing them a lot and would like to do so regularly, and slowly have gotten to the point where I told all, in so many words. That being said, if she sees me in panties she’s prefers them in more masculine styles and colors and admitted it is okay to wear bras but not in her presence. This has gone down over the course of years and even saw me going through some pretty heavy personal anxiety, I was a bit of a bonehead and went 0-100 in a minute and wore them out in public a lot. I wasn’t ready for it and am even still taking it slow. I’m now happy to say I got my first bras, sports style, and am currently purchasing my first 2 pairs of XD panties. Hope my personal situation helps in any way. Enjoy the reading and wish you all the best.



Samuel, I feel your pain! But you can wear a blank tank over the bra with a sports jacket and stockings in winter wont be seen
As for your wife look at it from her point of view: its hard for them to understand that 1. We r not gay and 2. That we dont want to transition 3. That they are losing their man…
so like you i dress in private and to work. My wife knows I wear panties and i did confess to her that i am a crossdresser. Shes tolerant but not participatory.
Hang around here where you are welcome
We love all right gurlz!


Ah Angie, Another great topic. I wear panties most days to work, mostly purchased from here, although I have a couple from another online store. I love choosing each day which ones I am going to wear. I would love to extend to wearing a matching bra too, but under my office shirt, it would show unfortunately as I don’t wear anything over my shirt. I have occasionally worn a camisole as that doesn’t notice and the feel of the satin gliding over my nipples is very erotic. How do others manage to disguise this?

I first started when I was probably around 12 years of age and just love the feel. Many years ago, shortly after I was married, I bought my wife some lovely panties that were lace in the front and silky at the back – she wouldn’t wear them, so unbeknown to her, I did! I loved them.

As I have mentioned before, my wife is not aware, so I can’t share this part of me with her. I have tried talking about it to her in general terms such, but she wasn’t happy! I occasionally work from home and am alone in the house. Then I can wear matching bra and panties along with stockings and suspenders. Then I love seeing them on, so won’t wear clothes over them, unless I am going out, then a polo shirt and trousers will be worn over the top.

Thanks again Angie.


Samuel UK

Hi G
Welcome to the best place in the net to buy and discuss lingerie for men. You will find every version accepted here
Wear something pretty today!


Another great topic and one that is very appropriate for our community. I have been wearing panties for years. Usually on the weekend or on my days off and also when I am on vacation. I like the smooth satin feel and small or no seams. Started wearing panties in my 20’s for the reason that I thought they would be more comfortable than men’s briefs. I do wear a bra sometimes—especially like a sports bra as they tend to be a better fit. I finally convinced my boyfriend to try panties and he now finds them more comfortable than men’s briefs.
A great topic that will produce a lot of discussion. Looking forward to more topics covering subjects like gloves, shoes, panty hose, and purses—all favorites of mine!


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