Undercover Lingerie Buyer

Undercover Lingerie Buyer

I am very interested to see how many men have gone to a brick-and-mortar store to shop for lingerie for themselves?  Have you thought of going, and then talked yourself out of it?  Have you ever gone to the lingerie store, looked around, and were too embarrassed to actually buy something for yourself?  How about, making the purchase, then asking for a gift receipt, or asked for it to be wrapped making it look like it was a gift for someone else.  If you have gone shopping for yourself, have you had a cautious eye to see if people are watching? Have you made a rushed decision so that you could get out of there faster without being “discovered”, only to find out that you bought the wrong size, or found out that the “fit” didn’t really fit, then felt disappointed with the purchase?  Or the quick buy, when you discover that the fabric you thought looked so nice in the store, doesn’t feel so nice when adorned, and now you are at the office, which will make for a very long day.  I wonder if there was a bead of sweat trickling from your forehead when you got to the cashier nervously making your purchase?  Did you go to the store at Valentine’s or Christmas, because then, clearly that purchase wasn’t for you.  What if someone at the office, or a neighbor saw you? What would you say then?  Any of these situations sound familiar?  

My girlfriend and I went out this summer to buy matching lingerie; matching satin lounge pants, nighties, and satin robe to go over top.  Now, if you looked at the sizing, it was obvious who’s was who’s.  The woman behind the counter said, oh, matching outfits, and gave me a look, when my girlfriend jumped in saying “yes, Brenda is going to love it”.  I did wonder if I would have jumped in and said, yes, we are going to enjoy them very much.  Secretly, I think she had figured it out.   We went out shopping today, and I was wanting to get a longer flowy skirt (I love skirts), and a top to go with.  If asked, I was going to tell the salesperson that we were having a themed dinner party, and that I needed to get clothes for the event. But no salesperson helped us, so, alas, I was not able to use my little trick.  I’ll keep that one in my back pocket. Use it if you like.  I must admit that when I have shopped for lingerie for myself, my girlfriend has been with me. Now, I got to take my time to pick out what I wanted.  It wasn’t always that way, but at least I always had an out. 

Here's the thing. I think that it would be fair to say that most men would feel nervous or scared purchasing lingerie for themselves in a brick-and-mortar store.  And yet again, I wonder how many don’t go buy what they truly want.  You know that you want it, you know it would be a bit of a thrill, yet you stop yourself from getting what you want.

Now, if you are reading this blog, you obviously found this site.  I admit that finding the XDress website was a godsend.  First, reading these blogs allowed me to not feel so alone in my journey, second I could purchase sexy lingerie from my couch, third, I found lingerie that actually fit properly (for obvious reasons), and forth, my lingerie arrived in plain packaging.

What is also great about the XDress site is also the selection of lingerie that is available, plus the consistent new items with varying colors and styles.  I am personally very excited about the new satin line, having a matching satin bra and panty set, and then having a satin skirt to complete the outfit. That makes coming home and dress up something to really look forward to.  Kudos to the XDress team for doing such a great job to give us men, and their significant others, the opportunity to fulfill our desires to wear pretty and luxurious lingerie.  You give us the time to pick what we want, get the right size, experiment with things that you not have otherwise purchased, such as bras or garters, with zero stress.   

What will you buy as an undercover lingerie buyer? As always, I appreciate your thoughts.

– WB

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I have bought myself quite a few items for my feminine wardrobe from stores now, although I admit to getting a little nervous and have never asked to try items on in the fitting room. However there is something thrilling about shopping for your own girly stuff.
I have purchased dresses, skirts and tops from high street stores and I’m lucky that my wife and I take the same dress size so I’m able to just buy the size that fits her and know it will be ok.
I am not a fan of Bra’s made for men as I prefer an underwired Bra which most men’s Bra’s are not. So have to buy them from a store. I have always managed to buy them without any problem although I’m sure the girls on the till know they’re for me.
I have found my size to be a 38B which my pecs fill out nicely and if I want to put breast forms in for a curvier shape I know they will stay put and push me up to a C cup.
I have found buying women’s clothing easier the more I do it and really don’t care what anyone thinks anyway. My advice would be to be brave and just front it out life’s too short.


I always wear lady’s knickers that I have bought myself. I have over 10 dresses either maid uniform dresses or lady’s working dresses and of course I have petticoats, corselletts, suspender belts and stockings most of which I have bought myself and in many cases tried them on in the shop. The staff are not bothered they just want to make a sale

Angela Brown

I actually outed myself without even thinking recently… I walked into Honey Birdette (a high end lingerie store for those who don’t know), I had found a set online that I loved and was planning to tell the sales woman that I was shopping for my wife. When I walked in, I confidently asked where I could find the set I was looking fo… bra, thong, garters and a set of thigh high stockings to finish the set… the two girls at the counter casually asked “is this for you or are you shopping for someone.” Without thinking I answered that I was shopping for myself… now I am not easily embarrassed so once I realised the answer I’d given I simply went along for the ride… the girls were absolutely wonderful! They adjusted my sizing picks a little and fully measured me up in a private change room… they also brought a few other sets that they thought I might like to try on… BEST experience of my life and I’ve already been back to buy more. For those of you who can easily go with the flow, I would encourage you to simply tell the women who you are shopping for because once they know, they are discreet out in the open and so so so helpful when it comes to trying things. It feels like I’ve opened a whole new world to myself shopping in person!


I have been doing this a long time off and on, over 40 years. Other than the Sears catalog you had no choice but to shop in person, I now enjoy both shopping on line and in person. I currently serve a femdom Mistress, We have shopped together, it is a thrill. we have had our nails done together. But yesterday I faced my scariest moment. A dermatologist appointment with a new younger female doctor while wearing panties. (Mistress did not feel it was a big enough deal to let me off the hook. I was hoping they would ask me to strip completely but they asked that I strip to my underwear. So I met my new doctor with my totally waxed body and wearing a baby blue thong. The doctor immediately sensed my nervousness, and told me I could relax and she would do the entire appointment without her assistant. She tried but could not hold back her questions. I told her about my Mistress, she seemed honestly open minded and curious. Because she needed to do a biopsy she asked if I wanted a cover up because she would need her assistant. I gritted my teeth and told her it was ok to allow her in.
Probably the most honest doctor interaction I have ever had.


I can relate to this article and to all the comments, I have been wearing lingerie and panties for the past 30 years +/-. And even still to this day am nervous to go into a brick & mortar store. So I have had to shop online mostly. I don’t have the courage to shop in a store and try in there to see how it would look and fit.


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